Thank you for visiting our website. We, AXELOAD, would like to inform you that this website is made to distribute free programs for students or the general public for educational use only. If you regularly use these programs for your business, commercial, or personal use. We recommend genuine support from the developer directly.
If you visit this website for the first time, our website is 100% virus free, we install ads directly from Google which is absolutely safe from viruses. If the file you downloaded has a virus, don’t worry because these programs have been modified (Modify), the antivirus program will check it for viruses. If you are afraid that you will be infected with a virus, it is recommended to delete it and go to support the genuine.
We will place advertisements on the website. It might be confusing to anyone, I’m sorry. These ads have helped our website stay alive today. To support us We just ask that you disable Adblock add-ons on your web browser in order for the ads to continue showing on the web page.
If any link or file is broken, please let us know, we will fix it as soon as possible. We store files in a high-performance Server. therefore can download at full speed And if there is a problem with slow loading of the file, it may occur because many users are loading the file at the same time. causing problems to load files slowly Please be patient for a moment and then re-download.
Every file downloaded from AXELOAD website has a way to install every program, file name “วิธีติดตั้ง.txt”, if you don’t understand anything, you can ask via email axeloadz@